Tips For Landscape Mulching In Your Outdoor Space
Nothing adds more improvement to your soil and the visual appearance of your landscaping than mulch. Mulching is easy to do and has a wide variety of options and choices. The following provides you recommendations for using mulch with your outdoor landscaping.
Look at Mulch Options
There are many mulch options that you can use for your yard's landscaping and to accentuate areas and protect the soil. Mulch traditionally comes in an organic material made of plant products, such as wood chips, bark chips, pine straw, shredded leaves, or wood shavings. This layer of organic material creates a barrier between the soil and your plant's roots and the sun's harmful UV rays that can harm your vegetation's roots. The mulch will also help the soil retain moisture after you have watered it, further helping the health of your plants and reducing your watering requirements, especially during drought and excessive heat.
Another mulch option is to use rocks as a decorative covering in addition to providing protection. Rock does not break down as organic mulch does, so you don't have to add to it like with organic mulch. You can also look at creating your own yard mulch as a composting process with the use of lawn clippings or your tree leaves.
Install the Mulch Properly
The type of mulch you are using can affect how you should install it and spread it around your yard landscaping. Mulch can be made of organic materials, such as bark, or it may be made of rubber. If the mulch you are using in an area of your yard is made of organic materials that break down over time from decomposition, you won't need to apply any layer of landscape fabric over the soil. You will need to smooth and level the area of soil, removing any large rocks and other debris so you can spread it evenly over the area. As the mulch decomposes, it will send nutrients down into the soil to boost its quality and help your landscaping plants. With better soil overall from a mulch covering, you will have richer soil and less erosion from wind and rain in addition to fewer weed problems.
If you are installing an inorganic mulch or soil covering, such as rock, pea gravel, or rubber mulch, you will want to keep the mulch separate from the soil, and you can do this with a durable layer of landscape fabric. Be sure you use a fabric that is woven so it allows oxygen and moisture to reach the soil for the benefit of any landscaping plants. Cut openings in the soil also to make a place for your vegetation to grow through. The landscaping fabric prevents the soil from coming up into the gravel or rubber mulch and keeps it looking attractive all season.
For more information, reach out to a business that offers mulching services.