Winterize Your Garden
Gardens take a lot of work. It's a shame to spend an entire season caring for your garden to have your plants and soil ruined by the snow and ice of winter. Here are tips for you to winterize your garden to prepare it for the next spring season:
Why Winterize Your Garden?
Winterizing your garden prolongs the life of current plants and gets the ground ready for the next sean. Anyone who lives in an area that experiences frost, freezing temperature and snow should always winterize their garden.
How to Winterize Your Garden
1. Groom your garden
It's time to get rid of all of the things you don't want in your garden when spring arrives. This means the dead plants, dying plants, and weeds must go. You will also want to remove the roots and remains of vegetables and any annual flowers.
2. Use covers
Perennial plants, in particular, can benefit from a cover to protect them from the elements of the harsh winter so that they can come in again the next year as planned. The first year is when perennial plants can benefit from the cover the most. Also, spread mulch around new perennials that have not had the opportunity to develop a strong root system.
3. Rake leaves
Raking the fallen leaves makes the yard look a lot better, but there are a number of non-aesthetic reasons to rake your yard as well. Removing the leaves allows the soil to get the oxygen, water, and nutrients it needs. If you leave the leaves all winter, it can attract pests.
3. Test the soil of your grass
At the end of the season, it's a good idea to test the soil of your grass to check the acidity level. Add lime if your soil is too acidic and add sulfur if the soil is too alkaline.
4. Put the hose away
Leaving the water on can cause your exterior pipes to burst from freezing water. Put the hose away properly and turn off the exterior water about two weeks before the ground freezes. Before you do this, water your garden well once last time.
5. Bring in bulbs
Most bulbs can't withstand the winter. However, you can bring them inside and replant them once it's spring.
6. Research the weather
Research the weather in your specific area. Specifically, learn when the ground is expected to freeze and when to expect the first snow. Contact local lawn care services for more information and assistance.