Did You Know You Can Hydroseed With Wildflower Seeds As Well? Here's What You Need To Know About Creating A Wildflower Meadow

Although many people know that hydroseeding is a great way to quickly grow strong and healthy grass on a lawn, few people know that hydroseeding can also be used to plant wildflowers. The process is the same, just with using wildflower seeds instead of grass seeds. When you're hydroseeding with wildflower seeds, it can be more difficult to get the wildflowers to take root compared to hydroseeding with grass seeds. This means that proper seed selection and preparation are key in successfully hydroseeding a lawn with wildflowers.

Choose A Location That Minimizes Damage From Foot Traffic

You'll need to choose an appropriate spot in your yard for wildflower hydroseeding. The most important concern is that you shouldn't put any wildflowers on areas that you plan to walk over regularly. There are a few reasons for this. The first is that walking over your wildflowers will cause damage to them and prevent them from blooming; you'll also track in weed seeds to your wildflower meadow which can take root and damage the health of your wildflowers. The other major reason is that most wildflower seed blends contain wildflowers that grow fairly large, since these are more likely to take root and grow in a variety of different soil environments and not be choked out by native weeds. This means that your wildflowers may grow up to be about a foot tall, which is too large for you and the guests of your home to comfortably walk through.

Good locations for wildflower hydroseeding include the areas around the walls of your home, the area around a backyard patio or front porch and the area between the sidewalk and the street. These areas aren't walked over very often and they're great areas to plant wildflowers in order to boost the curb appeal of your home. If you have a yard with a lot of acreage, you can also consider creating wildflower meadows in certain areas of your yard. These can reduce the amount of mowing you need to do in your yard since wildflowers only have to be mowed once a year (and even this isn't strictly required.)

Purchase The Seed Blend Best Suited To Your Soil And Climate

The first thing that you will notice about wildflower seed blends is that they are much more expensive than grass seeds. This makes it important to select the right type of seed blend for your yard and correctly prepare the area for hydroseeding to maximize the chance that your wildflowers will take root and germinate. Most wildflower seed blends contain a wide variety of wildflower types in order provide a rich array of colors when the flowers come into bloom. Make sure you purchase the correct type for your growing area; the manufacturer will supply this information. If you live in a suburban area, you may want to look into purchasing a low-growing seed blend. These blends contain species of wildflowers that do not grow as high as the species contained in most blends; they usually don't grow to be higher than a foot and a half and are more suitable in suburban lawns.

Prepare The Soil Well Before Hydroseeding in Early Spring

Preparation is key to ensuring that your wildflowers grow correctly. The absolute best method is to prepare the ground in the fall and then hydroseed the prepared area in the early spring in order to prevent competition from native weeds. In the fall, you will need to till the area that you want to plant in with an herbicide in order to kill as many weeds and their seeds as possible. If any more weeds appear before you hydroseed the area, manually pull them out of the ground. You'll need to stop using herbicide on the area for at least a month before you hydroseed it with wildflower seeds so that the growth of your wildflowers is not affected.

Contact a company, like Bark Blowers & Hydroseeding Inc, for more help.
