6 Ways To Make Your Backyard Better For Fido
If you have a dog, one of the first things on your mind might be improving your backyard so that it suits him better. If your pet spends a lot of time in the yard, you want to make it as comfortable and welcoming as possible. You also want to keep your pet safe. These tips will help you do both of these things.
1. Secure the fence and add some foliage.
Sometimes a fence is not enough to keep your dog in and others out. One of the best things you can do in the interest of your dog is provide as much security in this area as possible. You might also consider adding some foliage around the perimeter to discourage your dog from exploring his options out.
2. Understand your dog's natural desire to dig.
Dogs love to dig. This is why you need to focus his efforts somewhere not dangerous. Many pet owners are catching on to this and have started adding sandboxes to their yards. In areas you do not want your dog to dig, adding river rock is a great choice.
3. Provide shade for Fido.
Did you know that dogs can suffer from sun burns and even skin cancer just like us? Direct sunlight feels great, but not all the time. Your pet will benefit from tunnels, tarps, and trees in the back yard.
4. Understand the effects of the sun.
The sun can also heat up the pavement that your dog walks on. Want to protect him from burns? Consider adding light colored pavement rather than blacktop if you live in a hot region.
5. Remember that fresh water is key.
If you really want your buddy to have some fun outside, why not add a pond or other pool of water? This provides an opportunity for some fun and offers a way to cool down.
6. Forego dangerous plants.
Some plants are dangerous to animals, so you should keep them out of your yard at all costs. Daffodils and lilies are dangerous to your pet if they are eaten. Make sure you don't accidentally poison your pooch.
Creating a haven for your pet does not have to be difficult, especially when you know what your dog looks forward to. Instead of expecting Fido to stop wanting to dig or swim, offer opportunities for this to happen safely so that you balance fun and safety in your new backyard.